Registration for Your Life . . . Beyond the Scale
This group is for those struggling with body image and weight issues - all shapes, all sizes, all ages, and for all reasons. We all need a safe place to explore this vulnerable area of our lives in a judgment-free zone, while receiving loving support from people who understand. 

About the Leader:
Isaiah 43:1, 18-19 - this has hung like a banner over my life the past few years. I have struggled with my weight for most of my adult life and, while I invited Jesus into most areas, I seemed to keep this struggle all to myself. The damage done from past trauma, being married to an addict, poor personal choices, and just a general feeling of being lost and alone kept me suffering in secret...hiding behind my smile, sense of humor, and work, work, work.  In 2015 I received my certification as a health coach with an emphasis on dynamic eating psychology (just a term - I do not hold a psychology degree) and mind-body nutrition. I thought this would solve the issue once and for all but it did not. Once again, I was failing to invite God to this battle. My training definitely had a purpose...but it's just a cannot heal these wounds. Health is full circle: mind, body, and soul. You can't heal one area and leave the other areas unattended to wreak havoc on your life. My faith in Christ is at the center of my life and I invite Him into all the areas, all the struggles, all the moments on a daily basis now. 
God is doing a new thing in me...and in you! He has plans for our healing...and we support each other in community. So if you struggle in this area, I hope you will join my tribe. 

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